“If i teach my child gestures, will it hinder their language?
Hello there! As a speech therapist, I've heard this question more times than I can count. So, let's get straight to the point - NO, teaching your child gestures won't hinder their speech development. In fact, it's quite the opposite!
Gestures are a critical part of your child's communication development. From waving hello to pointing at objects they want, gestures are a natural way for children to express themselves. And guess what? They don't need any words to do it! That's right, gestures can even help bridge the gap for children who may struggle with verbal communication.
When children learn to use gestures, they're actually enhancing their speech development. By using gestures, children learn to associate meaning with actions, which can help them understand the connection between words and actions. They can also help children learn new words by associating the gesture with the word itself.
Teaching your child gestures doesn't mean you're giving up on speech development. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It's giving them the tools to communicate effectively and efficiently. Plus, it's also a great way to encourage nonverbal communication, which is important in social situations.
Now, I know some parents worry that if they teach their child gestures, they won't want to speak. But trust me, that's not the case. As your child's language skills develop, they'll naturally start using words to express themselves. And with the help of gestures, they'll be able to communicate even more effectively.
Teaching your child gestures won't hinder their speech development. In fact, it can help enhance it! So, don't be afraid to encourage your child to use gestures. It's a fun and effective way for them to communicate, and it's a great tool to have in their communication toolbox. And if you ever have any concerns about your child's speech and language development, don't hesitate to reach out to a speech therapist here at SG Speech Therapy. We're here to help!
With Love,
SG Speech Therapy